Apple language
Elevating the language learning experience.
Subtly intervening familiar language through the periodic adjustment of language in one of the worlds most familiar platforms - iOS.
Designer / Director
UX-UI / Branding / Filmmaking / Advertising
An iOS feature that elevates the language learning experience through subtle intervention.
Apple Language
(watch with sound)
Elevating the
Language Learning Experience
Learning a new language is hard. Many people stray away from it because it seems too difficult. A major part of learning, and keeping, a language is maintaining immersion - exposure that leads to familiarity.
Typical language learning models focus on vocabulary; teaching common words and phrases. Apple language is an approach to elevate these traditional language learning models with a supportive way to increase exposure and familiarity.
What is the best restaurant nearby?
I'd love to go to the beach today.
Will it rain later?
Subtle Intervention of Familiar Language
We are creatures of habit. We love to create routines and shortcuts in our lives. If we interrupt these habits, we can't help but focus on what's changed. By intervening with familiar language, we can force ourselves to notice a change. In turn, creating a mental translation. Apple Language helps us notice and familiarize ourselves with a different language by intervening one of our most familiar and comfortable places - iOS